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Peace In The Midst of the Storm
Featuring Dr. Bertice Berry

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As Seen On
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Join Dr. Bertice Berry and discover why she considers you to be the most important person in our society. Explore how incredibly powerful and necessary you, your work, your life and your purpose are right now!


Includes a certificate of attendance for .5 Contact Hours.


Who Should Watch?

This message is perfect for ANYONE who works or serves children!

  • Teachers

  • Teacher Assistants

  • Summer Camp Staffs

  • Before and After School Staffs

  • Family Care Providers

  • College Students

  • Parents

  • ANYONE who works with or for the well-being of young children!

About Dr. Berry

Sociologist, Bertice Berry, PhD. is, a best-selling author and award-winning lecturer has been named Comedian of The Year, Lecturer of the Year and Entertainer of the Year. She has published 11 best-selling books in both fiction and non-fiction and has won numerous awards and accolades for both her writing and presentations.

As seen on The Tonight Show, Oprah Winfrey, Between The Lions, Crossfire, 20-20, NPR, PBS and Comedy Central and CNN.

Berry has used her unique gifts and talents as a writer and ghost writer for others on a wide range of topics including race and gender issues, sociological studies, stratification, healthcare reform, humor, spirituality, slavery and the abolitionist movement, weight loss and wellness, relationships, servant leadership, transformational leadership, diversity and love.

She earned her doctoral degree from Kent State University still sees her most fulfilling achievement and role in life as that of mother to her 5 adopted children.

“If you ain’t dead, you ain’t done,” a character in one of Berry’s novels says.

Berry believes that every one of us has been given a unique purpose and it is our obligation to find it and use it to improve first our own self and then for those we live and work with.


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