Ohio AEYC Board of Directors
The Ohio AEYC Board is committed to informed and forward-thinking decision-making for our members. Working in partnership with NAEYC and our local leadership, Ohio AEYC is committed to:
Ensuring a guaranteed seat at the table in state and local policy, advocacy, and early childhood systems building
Representing with integrity and relevance the professional members we all serve
Providing meaningful, rich, and practice-changing professional development opportunities
Attracting and retaining diverse early childhood professionals.
Ohio AEYC seeks to identify, engage and foster the growth of current and future ECE leaders. We invite you to consider becoming part of our team by nominating yourself to serve on the Ohio AEYC Board of Directors! Nomination information is sent to all members annually. With over 2,200 members, we are dedicated to advocating on behalf of this vital profession and are proud to empower all who care for, educate, and advocate on behalf of children.
We can't do this without the strong commitment, support and engagement of members like yourself. Are you looking for an opportunity to share or build your leadership skills and experience? Ohio AEYC seeks open-minded, future-focused, collaborative professionals to join our work.
Ohio AEYC elected Board members are empowered to act in the best interest of Ohio AEYC and our members.
Board of Directors
Tonya Byous, President
Thea Wilson, Past President
Leah Anastasakis
Trina Averette
Dawn Blalock
MaryBeth Bush
William Christmas
Stephanie Geneseo
Karen Goulandris
Joyce Grimes
Susan Frazier
Rozlyn Grant
Beth Hess
Shawn Holden
Troy Hunter
Eric Karolak